.. _Export NeurEco Compression model with the Python API: Export NeurEco Compression model with the Python API ===================================================== .. include:: ../../CommonParts/Export formats.rst **build** a Compression **model** (:std:ref:`Build NeurEco Compression model with the Python API`) or **load** an already saved one. .. include:: ../../CommonParts/Export tabular python.rst Any Compression **model** can be divided in its **model_Compressor** and **model_Decompressor** parts via the call to **separate_models** method, both of them are Regression models: .. code-block:: python neurEco_Compressor = Tabular.Regressor() neurEco_Decompressor = Tabular.Regressor() separate_status = model.separate_models(neurEco_Compressor, neurEco_Decompressor) These **Regression** models can be exported separately (the export functions for a Regression model are the same as for a Compression model, see :std:ref:`Export NeurEco Regression model with the Python API`)